Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Townsville 2014 Continental Qualifier

The Townsville 2014 Continental Qualifier was held last weekend with a total of 8 people participating.  The tournament was a 2 round plus final event that saw 3 new players take part.  Round 1 saw only 1VP on each table but round 2 had a game win and a time out, making VPs rather few and far between on the day.  There was a 3 way tie for 3rd going into the final, luckily the final table was 5 players.

Final standings were:
Mark 7VP 2GW - Weenie Auspex featuring Tariq
Shannon 2VP 0GW - Brujah Anti Toolbox-ish
Penne 2.5VP 0 GW - Show of Force with Cailean, Marcus Vitel and Huitzilopochtli
Chris 1VP 0GW - Raptor wall featuring Baron Dieudonne
Ozzy 1VP 0GW - G2/3 Toreador Bleed

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Learning Aids Updated

I've put up two new documents I threw together with info I gathered from other places on the Internet on the Learning Aids page.  The first file shows all the in-Clan Disciplines with their respective icons.  The second is some background info on the different Disciplines taken from the White Wolf Wiki.

If anyone has ideas on other ways to help teach and understand the the game please send them in.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

New Players and Regular Meets

A big welcome to the 3 new players that have started playing V:TES over the past few weeks, and one old player who has stirred from torpor.  We have started meeting at 1pm Saturday at Realms of Magic and Miniatures.  Everyone is encouraged and welcome to come down and play or check out what the game is all about.